Thursday 5 November 2009

Just a quick post as it's Thursday so I'm off to do my radio show very soon :-) but it's been on my mind recently and I wanted to mention it ~ the language we use, or even more precisely the words we choose to use.

Quite often, in fact probably more often than not, people do not realise the importance of the words they use when they communicate and the affect they not only have on other people but the affect they are having on themselves.

Take in particular the word 'hate' ~ it gets banded around in today's society so effortlessly and with the same glib attitude as though people were saying 'nice'! In fact, it is an extremely heavy word and loaded with negativity. It is a word I am working very hard to ban from my diction and from that of my children, particularly the youngest before he gets overly fond of using it. I think it is starting to work from a comment he made yesterday :-)
We banned 'stupid' (something you should never call anyone) amongst others and he takes great delight in telling people what a naughty word that is and I'm hoping for similar results with hate.

In the majority of cases it is used totally in the wrong context. What people really mean when they throw it out is 'I really do not like' or 'I totally detest...' or 'that really is awful' etc etc but it really isn't a case of 'hating' something.

More on words, the power of and how they are mis-used in the future. Right now, a studio awaits......

have fun, be creative, start from within.


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