Thursday 29 October 2009

Change Your Attitude!

I wanted to touch on something today that I might come back to in the course of time as it could be a pretty big subject, 'Change.' To some people it's almost a swear word - "What do you mean 'Change?!' Me? What for?" - and so on. I had a student once who could not accept the notion of change at all. To her it was the rest of the world that had to change, not her. In her eyes there was nothing at all wrong with her, and so there wasn't necessarily. She was doing the best she could under the circumstances of her life at that time; it's all any of us can do really, until we decide to change.......

Change is not about finding faults in ourselves or others and saying "You need to change!" although it could be and there is nothing wrong with making changes that are for the better. I'm not talking about going to bed one night and waking up in the morning a totally different person. You don't need to change the way you dress, or the colour of your hair, or the music you listen to etc although you may find some of these things happen as a natural occurrence from other changes you make.

The changes I'm talking about are our acceptance of the world and what goes on around us. Changing our attitude around things and, in particular, changing our thought patterns. As humans we often have a habit of plodding along in life; doing the same things day in day out. We walk the same routes, eat the same foods and have a general acceptance of 'well that's how it is.' What I would say to you is change your acceptance of things and change your thought patterns and it could totally change your life!

The changes you make can be very small and subtle but over a period of time, if applied continually and built on, it will be amazing how much of an impact they could have on your life. Start by doing things differently: walk or drive a different route to work/the shops/a friends/back home at the end of the day; change the layout of the furniture or the ornaments; change what you do at lunch time (if you eat lunch at your desk, get up and go for a walk - leave the building!); change your routine as much as you can.

The reason for all this? It will change your perspective on things. You will interact with different people. You will see things you would not ordinarily see. And the impact is that it will set your brain in motion to look at things differently. Once your brain gets active on viewing things from a different perspective, it becomes fun. The brain gets very busy and starts to challenge and question things that you have always taken for granted and quite often, things that you have really struggled with loose their serious hold and you can accept them in a lighter vein and perhaps even for what they are. Quite often 'things' are not as bad as we first thought, life can be a lot less serious, we just need to change our acceptance or perspective.

Take this time of the year, we are NOT in winter yet and I get annoyed when I hear so many people winging that we are! It is Autumn, a very important part of the year. It is a time of celebrating all the wonders of nature. It is a time to celebrate that we have the good fortune to have weather conditions that help produce an abundance of food that will sustain us through the cold weather when crops do not grow the same. It is a time to look forward to warm soups and stews, dressing the pumpkin, sparkling dew covered spiders webs. A time to marvel at all the beauty around us as the trees get ready to go to sleep and their leaves turn such magnificent colours.

"Of course it's getting cold, it's Autumn!!!" The world is getting ready for winter! It happens Every year! Are you not used to it by now!!?? You want sun, sun and more sun? Move to Arizona!!

For the majority of us we have clothes that we can layer on to keep warm. We have a roof over our heads in order to stay dry and warm. There is a cooker in the kitchen on which we can prepare a hot meal. What's your problem?? I give thanks very regularly every winter for all of these things and more (that fact that I have a warm bed to get into every night, a warm bath or shower to get clean and, yup, 'warm' me up).

Enjoy the seasons for what they are and for what you can get out of them. A change of attitude around the changing seasons could mean the difference between a warm enjoyable time and a difficult few months.

Be creative; have fun; learn from within.


p.s. If you want to do something really quite unusual, try sleeping upside down and see what that does for your perspective!!! :-)

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